Blogging tips

Sunday 4 May 2014

Mother Power

So, the experiment of the week is Mother Power: a little tribute to all the mothers in the world.

During this last week I've been crocheting a few daisies following a wonderful pattern by Melibondre, Mc Husband has printed a beautiful orange vase and I've arranged a little present for any mother who would like to take it.

Today ( it's Mother's Day here in Spain) Mrs. Soft Kitty, Little Romulan, Mc Husband and I went to the promenade at around 1 pm. We left the present with an explanatory note in a sea walk bench and sat in a chiringuito in front of the bench while we waited. 

Basically the note said "the only condition to take the present is to be a mother or to give it as a present to your mother. If you like the idea, smile and if you want to keep it give it a thumbs up".

During the first ten minutes I was calmed having a refreshment and watching people passing by. Many of them had a look at the flowers but continued their way.

I began to feel a little nervous and thought about what was happening.  People are suspicious. Maybe they think that I'm trying to sell them something. What I think is that we've become overcautious, that we cannot believe that someone can give a present without second intentions.

It's 13:15 pm and my fingers are almost nailless. Little Romulan is feeling a little bit troubled and I explain to him that sometimes experiments fail but you have to keep to persevere.

Another 15 minutes and just one lady has stooped by and read the note. At least I got a smile! 

I began to think about other possibilities to avoid a failure when two girls sat on the bench, read the note, smiled and gave a thumbs up to somewhere they didn't know who. We waited for a few seconds and heard them call their mother. She read the note, smiled and also gave a big thumbs up to the air.

For Clon's sake, how exciting! I walk towards them and tell their mother that I'm the nutter behind the idea.

We start to talk and she tells me that her name is Isa. She's a computer science teacher at a secondary school in Malaga and...she makes amigurimi!! Her friend who is very close to us tells me that she is also a crocheter! And on top of that, when I tell Isa that Mc husband is a computer scientist and the one who printed the vase, we both look in shock thinking about all these coincidences. Destiny? I don't know.

All I know is that today I'm satisfied with myself and that I have a new friend.

Thank you very much, Isa, for accepting my little Mother's Day present.

Would you have taken the present?

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